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Hello and Welcome! 

I’m Cairelle (pronounced like Carol) and I appreciate you choosing to learn more about me! 

A (Somewhat) Brief Bio

I’m a passionate creatrix with a love for magical living and seeking the truths that allow me to flourish and be my most authentic self, and my life journey is multi-faceted as one often finds in women of a certain age. First and foremost, I am a healer. I have been a Registered Nurse (RN) for 30+ years and, prior to leaving the acute care bedside, my RN career was spent mostly in Surgical ICU. My path now is intentionally integrative and is focused on menopause advocacy and education coupled with holistic modalities that collaborate with and compliment (but do not replace) evidence-informed care from licensed providers. I am a Clinical Aromatherapist and have many continuing education hours in aromatherapy, color therapy, and crystal and chakra therapies. I am a Certified Menopause Coaching Specialist (CMSC) and I am also a long-time member of the American Holistic Nurses Association.


I have walked a goddess path for the last 35 years, always exploring, learning, and growing. My spiritual journey is oriented on finding empowerment and balance in both the sacred feminine and divine masculine that resides within us all, and I live my life in service to the ancient and timeless She who expresses Herself through many names. My work as a nurse and healer is dedicated to the goddess and saint, Brigid. I am a Sacred Bee Priestess and Womb Priestess of Avalon through Sanctuary of Sophia, and a Star Priestess and Astrologer, taught in the Avalonian tradition through Stellar Mystery School. I am a genealogist and a Priestess of Sacred Roots, dedicated to connecting people to their ancestral truths by teaching them how to research their own sacred genealogy. I am a devotee of Mary Magdalene and use my clinical aromatherapy training to support my journey as a myrrophore on the way of the rose.


I am an author. Written under the nom de plume Cairelle Crow, my books include The Magic in Your Genes (Weiser Books, 2023), a genealogy primer for magical people, and Brigid’s Light (Weiser Books, 2022), an anthology dedicated to the goddess Brigid and co-edited with Laura Hegle (writing as Laura Louella). I am also a wanderess who loves exploring and partaking of all the beauty and magic this world has to offer, and I love to share this joy with other women through the offering of sacred retreats. I have always been a traveler at heart and my personal global adventures are focused on my own ancestral roots and my love of wild and holy spaces. 


Lastly, I get asked about my name a lot. The name most people have known me by since 2007, when I opened my first shop and started doing public events, is Cairelle Perilloux. Here and there, you might see Kim (or K) Cairelle Perilloux, since my first name is Kim. Around 2018 or so, I decided to use Cairelle Crow for my writing ventures. It's a name filled with a lot of personal magic and has a powerful story behind it. It has served me well, my first two books are published under that moniker, and I love the energy it holds! However, you'll mostly be finding me nowadays as Cairelle Perilloux. To keep it simple, just call me Cairelle!


When I’m not riding a Mardi Gras float in my hometown of New Orleans or roaming the world in search of grandmothers, quirky art, and stone circles, I am snuggled up with my love in our forest cottage in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. It is a special privilege to dwell in Diana's sacred forest and to steward this beautiful land.


Let's Connect!

Sign up for my Maven Musings newsletter to get a random and spontaneous message from me to your email every now and then, along with pertinent info about upcoming offerings. No spam ever, unsubscribe any time. I do thank you for stopping by. I hope you find your visit here enhances your life experience in some way, and may you find what you seek as you journey along your personal path.


Starry Blessings!

Cairelle's signature
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