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Cairelle Perilloux in Tucson

Hello and Welcome! 

I’m Cairelle (pronounced like Carol) and I appreciate you choosing to learn more about me! 

A (Somewhat) Brief Bio

I’m a midlife maven with a love for magical living and seeking the truths that allow me to flourish and be my most authentic self. My life journey is gloriously complex and multi-faceted as one often finds in women of a certain age. I have walked a goddess-oriented path for the last 37 years, exploring, learning, growing. I am always focused on finding empowerment and balance in the sacred feminine and divine masculine that resides within each of us, and that we each express in our own unique way. ​


I am a genealogist, dedicated to connecting people to their ancestral truths by teaching them how to research their own sacred roots. With over two decades of research experience in traditional and genetic genealogy, I present lectures and educational workshops locally, nationally, and internationally. I also facilitate a genealogy training that is focused on magic and connecting with the ancestors. Through my mother, I am a direct descendant of mitochondrial haplogroup H1 and, through my father, an energetic descendant of Y-chromosomal haplogroup BY66793 (R-M269). 


I have been a registered nurse for 30+ years and, prior to leaving the acute care bedside, my RN career was spent mostly in Surgical ICU. My path since 2010 is intentionally integrative, woman-focused, advocacy-driven, and utilizes education, clinical aromatherapy, and other holistic modalities that collaborate with (but do not replace) evidence-informed care from licensed prescribing providers. I am also a long-time member of the American Holistic Nurses Association. In addition to my education as a registered nurse, I have studied and initiated into priestess paths that compliment my interests in art, writing, genealogy, and astrology. I'm a collector of magical knowledge and experiences, and my life path reflects that energy.​


Part of my joie de vivre lies in creative expression and, under the nom de plume Cairelle Crow, I am the author of The Magic in Your Genes, which is a primer on ways to bring together the science of DNA with a dedicated magical practice, and contributing author and co-editor of Brigid's Light, a heart-filled anthology dedicated to the goddess and saint, Brigid. My current project, being written as Cairelle Crow Perilloux, has an expected publication date of Spring 2026 with Weiser Books. 


When I’m not riding a Mardi Gras float in my hometown of New Orleans or roaming the world in search of grandmothers, quirky art, and stone circles, I live with my beloved in our forest cottage in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. It is a special privilege to dwell in Diana's sacred forest and to steward this beautiful land.


What's New for 2025?

My podcast Queens and Crones premieres on January 29th. Its focus is women who are navigating the magic and mayhem of midlife and beyond, and I'm super excited about it! I have some really cool guests lined up, so give it a listen. 


I'll be attending and presenting at the Sacred Space Conference in Towson MD, which runs from March 27th through March 30th. It's a great conference so if you're able and inclined, make plans to join this fun and informative event!


I am also revamping my Genealogy Magic class, with the next cohort start date planned for October. I'm looking forward to working with others who love genealogy as much as I do! 


Let's Connect!

Sign up for my email list to get a random and occasional message from me to your inbox every now and then. No spam ever, and you can unsubscribe any time. I do thank you for stopping by! I hope you find your visit here enhances your life experience in some way, and may you find what you seek as you journey along your personal path.


Starry Blessings!

Cairelle's signature
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